Environmental Sustainability
Sustainability is at the heart of life at Bishop Burton College. From small steps to big projects, here are just a few of the things we're doing to become more sustainable...
Our Students
Employer Partnerships
Students from our Art and Design team have been working on incorporating recycled materials and end of life considerations into their design projects working with a local recycling company to create their final products.
On the Ground
Our degree level Equine students took part in a Sustainability workshop, discussing how to incorporate sustainability practices on the yard.
Tracking Nature
Conservation students have been working with our Grounds team to identify a re-wilding area. Previously part of the maintained grounds, this 0.38Ha plot will now be left for nature with the students regularly surveying the wildlife to monitor the changes.
Working Circular
Our Agriculture students visited Agri.Cycle to see first-hand how the benches on our Riseholme campus were created from farm plastic waste.

Around the Campus
As part of a government awarded Salic grant, we have replaced all the windows in our main reception building to double glazing, installed insulation and replaced the gas heating system with heat-pumps.
We're capturing solar energy to power our grounds maintenance equipment, including our robotic mower, chainsaws, leaf blowers and trimmers. Keep an eye out for Lionel Pitchy, our battery-operated line machine!
Electrical Vehicles
We have two electric cars as part of our vehicle fleet with charging infrastructure online as well as a number of electric buggies used for travelling onsite for our care taking and catering teams.
Flood Defences
We have a balancing lake that acts as a flood defence for the rural villages downstream. It also features as a water jump for our British Evening Horse Trails!

Cross Sector Collaboration
We are a member of the EAUC - a membership organisation acting as a champion for the Further and Higher Education sector in Sustainability and Environment.
We’re part of the Race to Zero for Colleges and Universities - a global initiative for a Zero Carbon World - www.educationracetozero.org