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Bishop Burton Big Birthday Bash - Sunday 25th May

A day of fun and celebrations for all the family!  Join us for activities, entertainment and FREE ACCESS to the Bishop Burton Horse Trials.


Equine groom apprentice caring for horse

Hire an Apprentice

Hiring an apprentice is an ideal way to find and develop future talent.

What is an apprentice?

An apprentice would be your employee, with all the same rights as any other employee. Apprentices can be any age, from 16 upwards.

You could hire someone new or use an apprenticeship to upskill an existing employee.

An apprentice can work up to 40 hours per week, which includes 20% off-the-job training. This usually means one day per week with us on campus.

What are the benefits of hiring an apprentice?

By hiring an apprentice, you will be able to build a skilled workforce of motivated and loyal workers. You will also be able to tap into support from Bishop Burton College and the government

According to the government's Apprenticeships data:

  • 86% of employers said apprenticeships helped them develop skills relevant to their organisation
  • 78% of employers said apprenticeships helped them improve productivity
  • 74% of employers said apprenticeships helped them improve the quality of their product or service

What funding is available for apprenticeships?

You can get help from the government to pay for apprenticeship training.

The amount you get depends on whether you pay the apprenticeship levy or not. You pay the levy if you’re an employer with a pay bill over £3 million each year.

We will be able to advise you of the latest information regarding funding, as government rules are subject to change.

Why should I work with Bishop Burton College when hiring an apprentice?

Our team are experts in all things apprenticeships. We will be able to work with you to:

  • Offer specialist, technical training that suits your needs
  • Offer advice and guidance on the levy and any other available government incentives
  • Help you to recruit new apprentices
  • Help you to upskill or reskill existing staff

What industries do you support?

We offer apprenticeships in the following subjects

  • Agriculture
  • Animal Care
  • Business - administration and customer service
  • Construction
  • Equine
  • Food - butchery and manufacture
  • Gamekeeping
  • Health and Social Care
  • Horticulture
  • Land-Based Service Engineering
  • Plastering

Get in touch:

To find out more about working with Bishop Burton College to hire an apprentice, get in touch with our Services to Business team:

Telephone: 01964 553044


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