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Bishop Burton Big Birthday Bash - Sunday 25th May

A day of fun and celebrations for all the family!  Join us for activities, entertainment and FREE ACCESS to the Bishop Burton Horse Trials.


Students sat at picnic bench smiling


The college has a duty to safeguard and promote the welfare of our students under the age of 18, and the needs of vulnerable adults.

Our Safeguarding Policy includes child protection, abuse and neglect, prevention of bullying, harassment and discrimination, dealing with attendance issues and security.

We also have a comprehensive Health and Safety Policy, as would be expected. As part of our safeguarding duty we aim to ensure that:

  • A safe learning environment is provided for all
  • Young people and vulnerable adults who are suffering, or likely to suffer, significant harm are identified
  • Appropriate action is taken to ensure that such young people and vulnerable adults are kept safe
  • The college has detailed procedures to provide a clear direction to staff and application of these procedures is mandatory.

If you require any further information, please call 01964 553000 and ask to speak to our Safeguarding Lead.

British Values

Peer On Peer Abuse

Equality and Diversity

International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA) working definition of antisemitism

Health and Safety

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