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Level 2
Study Mode
1 - 1.5 years
Start Date
Any Time
The course
Are you looking to launch a career as an equine groom? As an apprentice, you will work alongside experienced staff, gain job-specific skills, knowledge and behaviours within the equine industry. You will earn a wage and be released to study during your working week.
You will work with a variety of horses committing to their care and welfare. This will involve feeding, grooming, handling, preparing and exercising horses as well as carrying out routine yard duties. You must be prepared to work in all weather conditions and may have to work irregular hours. This is a practical hands-on role requiring a strong work ethic, diligence and commitment.
Course Information
- To develop your knowledge, skills and behaviours as required for employment and future career progression within the industry.
- Routine yard and field duties
- Routine health care
- Medical and specialist treatments
- Health records
- Equine terminology
- Physiology and anatomy
- Grooming
- Trimming and clipping
- Saddlery and equipment
- Travelling horses
- Non-ridden and ridden exercise
- Equitation
You will need appropriate employment in the equine industry. It is preferable that you have a minimum GCSE grade 2/D in English and Maths.
You will develop your knowledge, skills and behaviours through a mixture of practical and theoretical sessions. A blended learning approach will assist your development and progress.
You will be released from work one day per week to undertake training at college.
- Stationery such as pens and paper
- An electronic device to access online learning, i.e. a laptop
- Riding hat, gloves, boots and jodphurs for practical and equitation lessons