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Country banner Countryside Management student with binoculars in woodland

Level 2 Underkeeper Apprenticeship

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Countryside Management


Level 2

Study Mode



1.5 years

Start Date

Any Time

The course

Start your career within the game and wildlife management sector with this Underkeeper Apprenticeship. Working alongside experienced staff, you will participate in habitat management, pest and predator control and animal husbandry. You will earn a wage and be released to study during your working week.

Your role will involve assisting on shoot days, undertake routine estate maintenance. You may have to work under some challenging conditions and outdoors. You may have to work irregular hours. You will be expected to show a strong work ethic and positive attitude. An enthusiasm for conservation benefits of game shooting is essential as well as a respect for wildlife and animals. You will work as part of a team and independently.

Course Information

  • To develop your knowledge, skills and behaviours as required for employment and future career progression within the industry.
  • Legislation and licensing requirements, rifle and shotgun use
  • Ecological requirements of game species and habitat
  • Land management and public access
  • Rearing game and animal welfare
  • Gamebird diseases and treatment
  • Care of gundogs including fitness, routine care and handling
  • Control of pest and predators
  • Running of a shoot day
  • Pre-use safety checks and use of machinery and equipment
  • Maintenance of machinery and equipment

You will need appropriate employment within the game and wildlife sector. It is preferable that you have a minimum GCSE grade 3/D in English and Maths.

You will develop knowledge, skills and behaviours through theory and practical-based lessons.

You will be released from work one day per week to undertake training at college.

Employed within the industry, you will work 30 - 40 hours per week.
You will be assessed through an end point assessment (EPA) and graded pass or distinction. Please note that the duration does not include the EPA.
  • Stationery such as pens and paper
  • An electronic device to access online learning, i.e. a laptop
  • Steel toe-capped boots, hi-vis vest and overalls for practical sessions
You may progress to a higher-level course at the college or be offered a higher-level role at your workplace e.g. Assistant Head Gamekeeper.
Typical careers include Underkeeper, Gamekeeper, Beatkeeper and Wildlife Manager.

Careers this course could lead into

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Tuesday, 13 May 2025 - 17:30 - 20:00

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