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Great British Game Week

25 Nov 2021 | College

Great British Game Week is held across the UK from 22 to 28 of November 2021, the week-long initiative aims to promote and celebrate wild game.

There is a great tradition in the British Isles of eating wild game, wild game has been a core part of diets for millennia and in times of shortage has supplemented other foods in times of shortage. Game includes species such as deer, rabbits, hares as well as birds such as partridge, pheasants and pigeon.

As well as being a delicious alternative to farmed chicken, pork and beef game has added benefits of being incredibly sustainable, wild venison in particular is an abundant resource due to significant overpopulation of wild deer in the UK which needs to be controlled providing an abundant source of incredibly healthy, lean, delicious food.

In terms of game birds management by gamekeepers provides habitat for pheasants, partridge and grouse but also benefits other wild birds. These alternatives to other poultry are often higher in protein and chicken and are a great seasonal alternative with very short and sustainable supply chains.

Don’t be afraid of wild game, the term ‘gamey’ is often used negatively to describe flavour but properly prepared game is truly delicious and can be as versatile as anything else you might buy from the supermarket. From good old roast dinners to sausages, stir frys, burgers and chilli’s there are plenty of options for any species of game you choose to try.

Countryside Management students at Bishop Burton College have been working with the colleges catering team this week to learn about preparing wild game to eat and about food standards and hygiene to celebrate Great British Game week.

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