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New Farm Manager Bishop Burton College

We have been delighted to welcome back a former student as our new Farm Manager.

8 Oct 2021 | College

We have been delighted to welcome back a former student as our new Farm Manager.

James Richardson studied agriculture at the college from 2008 to 2010, before returning home to work on his family’s beef and sheep hill farm in Derbyshire.

He joined Dyson Farming as a herdsperson two years ago, working in Gloucestershire.

Now James has taken over the running of our farm, overseeing the nearly 900 acres split between arable and grassland, with units for pigs, beef and sheep.

The college is working to ensure that the benefits of new technologies such as precision farming, robotics and automation are maximised to support sustainable farm businesses post-Brexit and James will work with students and tutors to ensure the farm utilises all these resources.

James said that, as a former student, he had an affinity with the college and was delighted to be back in Yorkshire. He said:

“My passion lies in regenerative farming and achieving zero net carbon, while retaining very high standards of day-to-day operations and animal welfare.

I am already planning a number of developments, including using technology to record and analyse animal performance data to inform breeding and management decisions.”

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