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Bishop Burton Big Birthday Bash - Sunday 25th May

A day of fun and celebrations for all the family!  Join us for activities, entertainment and FREE ACCESS to the Bishop Burton Horse Trials.


Toni - BSc (Hons) Bioveterinary Science

Toni focused her dissertation on the revival of the rhino using artificial insemination, enhancing genetic diversity amongst the rhino species and hoped to determine if this is something we could do in our lifetime. Through her research she unearthed a lot of bias and unpredictability within the world of science.

“I went into my research naively in the hopes I would get a definitive answer but now I am not so sure. My course has enabled me to work on a rhino conservation, so I have worked at ground level, up close and personal with them. The course has been a real eye opener and has encouraged me to keep up my research after graduating as there are always new things being developed. I hope to combine my science - based education with my experience working in conservation in the future. I would like to work in a few voluntary positions to get a broad overview of what career opportunities are available to me and assess from there.”

Toni BSC Vet

Toni chose to study at Bishop Burton to pursue her dream of working with animals, initially enrolling on the Access course here focusing on Animal Management before progressing onto the BSc (Hons) Bioveterinary Science programme. 

“I never went to college when I left school at 16 so coming back as a mature student was daunting but I was accepted into the group straight away and I enjoyed it so much. Midway through the course we were advised about applying to university, which is something I had never considered before, but here I am 3 years later. It has been difficult at times balancing my full-time work and caring for my son, but it was so worth it. I reduced my hours at work for my final years and I was able to really enjoy it and apply myself fully to the course. My programme leader has given me so much nice feedback and really encouraged me to achieve my best. I don’t have one particular job role in mind, so I haven’t put that pressure on myself, and I am excited to see where the future takes me. I want to go into a career knowing it is right for me, and this course has opened so many doors for me.”

Click the link below to see how you could pursue your passion and embark on a career in Bioveterinary Science. 

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